Bangla Fighter Open Source

Bangla Fighter provides open-source software, allowing individuals to easily utilize them for their custom development needs.
Pweb (Python Web Boot)
Python Web Boot (PWebB) is a full-stack framework built on the Flask micro web framework, designed with a DRY (Don't Repeat Yourself) approach to streamline development.
- Dont Repeat Yourself (DRY)
- Swagger Facility
- Easy CURD Operation
- Flask Micro web Framework
- Full Stack management
- Data Validation
- High Security
- Easy to Use
Rapid React
Rapid React is a full-stack framework built on React, optimized with a DRY (Don't Repeat Yourself) methodology to improve development efficiency.
- Rapid Development with DRY Principle
- TypeScript Support
- Webpack for Bundling
- Pre-configured React Setup
- Optimized for Performance
- Public Folder for Static Assets
- Modular Component Structure
Flutter Rapid
Flutter Rapid is a full-stack framework built on Flutter, designed for mobile app development.
- Dynamic state management
- Structured Project Layout
- Pre-configured Tools and Libraries
- Sample Code and Templates
- High Security
- Easy to Use