Computer Basic, Office & Internet
কোর্সের মেয়াদ
২ মাস
ক্লাস টাইম
১.৫ ঘণ্টা
সাপ্তাহিক ক্লাস
৩ দিন
কোর্স ফিঃ৳ ১২৯৯
মোট ক্লাসঃ২৪ টি
ক্লাস ভিডিওঃথাকবে
ভাষাঃবাংলা & English
মোট সময়ঃ৩৬ ঘণ্টা
কোর্স ওভারভিউ
কোর্স সিলেবাস
- Understand the Course Outline
- Installed required software
- Check installed software
Word Processing (WP)
- Overview of MS Word online & Offline
- Google Doc
- NTVQF Computer Operation overview
- English Typing formula
- Bangla Typing formula
WP Formatting tools
- Bold
- Italic
- Underline
- Strikethrough
- Subscript
- Superscript
- Change Case
- Text highlight color
- Clear formatting
- Format painter
WP Font format
- Font color
- Font
- Font size
- Font family
WP Alignment
- Left
- Right
- Center
- Top
- Text direction
- Cell Margins
WP Data Handled
- Sort
- Repeat Header Row
- Convert to text
- Formula
WP Projects
- Prepared Standard CV
- Prepared application / official letter
- Standard report / newspaper items
- Document Printing
- English Typing Speed 30 CPM
- Bangla Typing Speed 20 CPM
Spreadsheet (SH)
- Overview of MS Excel online & Offline
- Google Sheet
- Overview of Row, Column, Cell
SH Alignment
- Right
- Left
- Centre
- Top
- Middle
- Bottom
SH Formulas
- IF
- Date and Time
- Math and Trig
- OR
SH Managed
- Cell format
- Page layout
- Insert
- Delete
SH Charts
- Column
- Pie
- Line
- Bar
SH Functions
- Mathematics
- Logical
- Simple Statistical
- None
SH Formatting tools
- Bold
- Italic
- Underline
- Font size, colour
- Change case
- Alignment and intend
SH Project
- Salary sheet
- Mark/Grade/Tabulation sheets
Presentation (PP)
- Overview of MS PowerPoint online & Offline
- Google Slide
- Overview of Slide
PP Illustrations
- Picture
- Clip art
- Photo
- Shape
- Smart art
- Chart
PP Effects
- Entrance
- Emphasis
- Exit
- Motion path
- Exit
PP Fonts tools
- Change Case
- Strikethrough
- Superscript
- Subscript
- Text highlight colour
- Font
PP Objects
- Image
- Chart
- Worksheet
- Equation
- Slide
PP Objects
- Image
- Chart
- Worksheet
- Equation
- Slide
PP Charts
- Column
- Pie
- Line
- Bar
PP Formatting tools
- Bold
- Italic
- Underline
- Font size, colour,
- Change case
- Alignment and intend
PP Project
- School Class Presentation
- Office Presentation
- Assignment Presentation
- Email Account open
- Email send & receive
- Attachment details
- Spam details
- Email Security
- Configure Email Client
Cloud Storage
- Google Drive
- One Drive
- Dropbox
Social Media
- YouTube
- Messanger
- Telegram
- Security, Account, Settings
Office things
- What is VPN?
- VPN Types
- Connect to VPN
- Google Meet
- Zoom
- Microsoft Team