জাভা এবং স্প্রিং বুট

কোর্সের মেয়াদ

৩ মাস

ক্লাস টাইম

২ ঘণ্টা

সাপ্তাহিক ক্লাস

৩ দিন

কোর্স ফিঃ৳ ৮০০০

মোট ক্লাসঃ৩৬ টি

ক্লাস ভিডিওঃথাকবে

ভাষাঃবাংলা & English

মোট সময়ঃ৭২ ঘণ্টা

ভর্তি হোন ফ্রি সেমিনার

কোর্স ওভারভিউ

জাভা স্প্রিং বুট (স্প্রিং বুট) একটি টুল যা স্প্রিং ফ্রেমওয়ার্ক সহ তিনটি মূল ক্ষমতার মাধ্যমে ওয়েব অ্যাপ্লিকেশন এবং মাইক্রো সার্ভিসগুলিকে দ্রুত এবং সহজ করে তোলে স্বয়ংক্রিয় কনফিগারেশন , কনফিগারেশনের জন্য একটি মতামতযুক্ত পদ্ধতি, স্বতন্ত্র অ্যাপ্লিকেশন তৈরি করার ক্ষমতা আপনি যদি জাভা স্প্রিং বুট সম্পর্কে আপনার ক্যারিয়ার তৈরি করতে চান আজই আমাদের কোর্সেটিতে যোগযান করুন ।

কোর্স সিলেবাস

Course Overview

  • Understand the Course Outline
  • Courseware Download
  • Development Environment Setup

HTML Basic

  • HTML Basics Overview
  • HTML Basic Structure
  • HTML Basic Tagging
  • Divs and Spans with HTML
  • HTML Attributes
  • Forms Basics
  • Table

CSS Basic

  • Introduction to CSS
  • Understanding ID, Class
  • Text & Color
  • Form Styling
  • Table Styling

Boostrap & Font

  • Bootstrap Overview
  • Bootstrap Integration
  • Card, Grid, Forms, Button
  • Table, Pagination, Dropdown
  • List, Navbar, Colors
  • Fontawesome Integration


  • Why need JavaScript?
  • What is jQuery?
  • JavaScript Basic
  • Basic of jQuery
  • Create Flash Message
  • Remote URL call by Ajax
  • Add jQuery Confirm
  • Create various JS files for application

Java Programming

  • Java Basics Overview
  • Java Data Types
  • Numbers and Variables
  • Strings, Booleans
  • Lists
  • Map
  • Comparison and Logical Operators
  • If and Else Statements
  • While Loops and For Loops

Building a Spring Boot Web App

  • Introduction
  • Spring Initializer
  • Open Project in IntelliJ
  • Create New Spring Boot Project
  • JPA Entities
  • Equality in Hibernate
  • Spring Data Repositories
  • Initializing Data with Spring
  • Add Publisher Entity
  • Publisher Relationships
  • H2 Database Console
  • Introduction to Spring MVC
  • Configuring Spring MVC Controllers
  • Thymeleaf Templates
  • Display List of Authors
  • Introduction to Spring Pet Clinic

Dependency Injection with Spring

  • Introduction
  • SOLID Principles of OOP
  • Create Spring DI Example Project
  • The Spring Context
  • Basics of Dependency Injection
  • Dependency Injection without Spring
  • Dependency Injection using Spring Framework
  • Using Qualifiers
  • Primary Beans
  • Spring Profiles
  • Default Profile
  • Dependency Injection Assignment
  • Spring Bean Life Cycle
  • Flashcards
  • Open Closed Principle
  • Interface Segregation Principle
  • Dependency Inversion Principle
  • Interface Naming Conventions
  • POJO Data Model

Spring Framework Configuration

  • Introduction to Spring Framework Configuration
  • Spring Configuration Options
  • Spring Stereotypes
  • Component Scan
  • Primary Beans and Profiles
  • DI in Java Configuration
  • Using Factory Beans

External Properties with Spring Framework

  • Section Overview
  • External Properties Overview
  • Using Properties Source
  • Environment Variables and Command Line Args
  • Spring Boot Application.properties
  • Spring Boot Profile Application.properties
  • Spring Boot Application.yml
  • Spring Boot Profile Application.yml
  • Multiple Profiles in One YAML File
  • Properties Binding
  • Constructor Properties Binding

Web Development with Spring MVC

  • Introduction to Web Development with Spring MVC
  • Assignment Create a Recipe Project using Spring Boot
  • Assignment Review - Create Recipe Project
  • Introduction to Thymeleaf
  • Create Index Page
  • HTTP Protocol
  • HTTP Request Methods
  • Chrome Developer Tools
  • Spring Boot Development Tools
  • IntelliJ Compiler Configuration for Spring Boot Development Tools
  • Static Resources
  • Copy Master Template from Spring Pet Clinic
  • Implement Web Resource Optimizer for Java
  • Apply Master Layout to Index Page
  • Internationalization Properties
  • Apply Master Layout to Owner Page
  • Apply Master Layout to Vet Page
  • Task Planning
  • Create Pet Type, Pet, and Visit Entities
  • Create Vet Speciality Entity, Add to Vet
  • Add Contact Info to Owner
  • Create Pet Type Map Service
  • Pet Type Data on Startup
  • Enhance Owners with Pets and Contact Info
  • Create Specialty Map Service
  • Add Specialities to Vets on Startup
  • Fixing Broken Links

JPA Data Modeling with Spring and Hibernate

  • Introduction - JPA Data Modeling with Spring and Hibernate
  • JPA Entity Relationships
  • Recipe Data Model
  • Forking in GitHub
  • One To One JPA Relationships
  • One To Many JPA Relationships
  • Assignment - Create One to One Relationship
  • Assignment - Review
  • JPA Enumerations
  • Many To Many JPA Relationships
  • Creating Spring Data Repositories
  • Database Initialization with Spring
  • Spring Data JPA Query Methods
  • Assignment Display List of Recipes on Index Page
  • Assignment Review Display List of Recipes
  • Create Base Entity
  • Convert Owners to JPA Entities
  • Convert Vets to JPA Entities
  • Create Visit Entity
  • Add Spring Data JPA Repositories
  • Add Spring Data JPA Owner Service
  • Add Spring Data JPA Vet Service
  • Add Spring Data JPA Pet Type Service
  • Add Spring Data JPA Pet Service
  • Add Spring Data JPA Vet Speciality Service
  • Task Planning
  • Add Map Based Visit Service
  • Add Spring Data JPA Visit Service
  • Using Spring Profiles for Configuration

Project Lombok

  • Introduction to Project Lombok
  • Project Lombok Features
  • Adding Project Lombok and IDE Configuration
  • Using Project Lombok
  • Assignment Complete Refactoring with Project Lombok
  • Assignment Review
  • Gotchas with Project Lombok
  • Refactoring for Project Lombok
  • Amending Commit Messages

Testing Spring Framework Applications

  • Introduction to Testing Spring Framework Applications
  • Introduction to Testing Spring Framework Apps
  • Creating a JUnit Test
  • Using Mockito Mocks
  • Assignment - Write Test for IndexController
  • Assignment Review
  • Mockito Argument Capture
  • Introduction to Spring MockMVC
  • Spring Integration Test
  • Continuous Integration Testing with Circle CI
  • Introduction to JUnit 5
  • Convert to JUnit 5
  • i18N French Message Properties
  • CRUD Tests for Owner Map Service
  • CRUD Tests for Owner SD JPA Service
  • Testing Owner Controller with MockMVC
  • CI with CircleCI
  • CircleCI Build Badge
  • Bug - JUnit 5 Tests not running from Maven

CRUD Operations with Spring MVC

  • Introduction
  • Using WebJars with Spring Boot
  • Display a Recipe by ID
  • Assignment Display remaining recipe properties
  • Assignment Review Display Remaing Recipe Properties
  • Processing Form Posts with Spring MVC
  • Creating a Command Object and Type Conversions in Spring
  • Create a Recipe
  • Update a Recipe
  • Delete a Recipe
  • View Ingredients
  • Show Ingredient
  • Update Ingredient
  • Create an Ingredient
  • Assignment Delete an Ingredient
  • Assignment Review Delete Ingredient
  • Enumeration Dropdowns with Spring MVC and Thymeleaf
  • Using the Debugger
  • Uploading Images with Spring MVC
  • Persisting images to Database
  • Displaying images from Database
  • Display Owner Record
  • Git Feature Branch
  • Web Data Binder
  • Implement Find Owner
  • Fix Find Owner Like
  • Create or Update Owner
  • Model Attribute
  • Create or Update Pet
  • Bug - Create Pet Not working
  • Create or Update Visit
  • Task Planning

Validation and Constraints with Spring MVC

  • Introduction to Validation and Constraints with Spring MVC
  • Overview of Exception Handling
  • Using Spring MVC Annotation @ResponseStatus
  • Spring MVC Exception Handler
  • Showing Error Data on 404 Error Page
  • Assignment Handle Number Format Exception
  • Assignment Review Handle Number Format Exception
  • Spring MVC Controller Advice
  • Data Validation with JSR-303
  • Data Validation with Spring MVC
  • Displaying Validation Errors with Thymeleaf
  • Customizing Error Messages with Message Source
  • Introduction to Internationalization
  • Internationalization with Spring MVC
  • Java 8 Bug Crashing CircleCI Builds
  • Upgrading to Java 11
  • Test Contribution
  • Visit Controller Tests
  • Pet Birthdate Binding
  • CRUD Tests Pet Map Service
  • Implement Vets List View
  • Implement Vets JSON Endpoint

Introduction and Installation of MySQL

  • Introduction
  • History of MySQL
  • RDBMS Deployment Architectures
  • SQL Data Types
  • Review of MySQL Installation Options
  • MySQL Windows Quick Start
  • MySQL Windows 10 Installation
  • MySQL Workbench Windows Installation Quick Start

Using MySQL with Spring Boot

  • Introduction
  • Introduction to MySQL
  • Application Code Review
  • Assignment Configure MySQL
  • Assignment Review - Configuration of MySQL
  • CircleCI Configuration
  • Code Coverage Configuration for CodeCov.io
  • Spring Boot Configuration for MySQL
  • Schema Generation With Hibernate
  • Refactor Database Initialization for MySQL

Introduction to Reactive Programming

  • Introduction to Reactive Programming with Spring Framework 5
  • Reactive Manifesto
  • What is Reactive Programming?
  • Reactive Streams
  • Reactive Programming Examples

Introduction to RESTFul Web Services

  • Introduction to RESTFul Web Services
  • Beginners Guide to REST
  • Richardson Maturity Model
  • Introduction to Postman
  • Assignment Create Data Model
  • Assignment Review - Create Data Model
  • Introduction to Spring RestTemplate
  • Using WebFlux to Display API Data
  • URI Components Builder
  • Rest Template Examples
  • Going Reactive with Spring WebClient

RESTFul WebServices with Spring MVC

  • Introduction to RESTFul Web Services with Spring MVC
  • New Spring Boot Project
  • Spring Boot Command Line Runner
  • Introduction to MapStruct
  • Using MapStruct
  • MapStruct IntelliJ Plugin
  • Category Service
  • List Categories
  • Testing with Postman
  • Assignment Create Get API for Customers
  • Assignment Review
  • Create New Customer With Post
  • Update Customer with PUT
  • Integration Testing with DataJPATest
  • Update Customer with PATCH
  • Delete Customer
  • Externalize API URL Value
  • Exception Handling
  • Spring Rest Controller
  • Assignment Create Vendors API

Using Swagger with Spring Boot

  • Introduction to Swagger
  • What is Swagger
  • Configuring Swagger
  • Swagger UI
  • Customizing Swagger with Meta Data
  • Customizing Endpoint Documention
  • Assignment Customize Vendors
  • Assignment Review
  • Introduction to Swagger Editor
  • Swagger Code Gen


  • Deploy site from a Local to a Remote Server